Enchanted Evening at the Viennese Ball by Karen Horne
The Annual Gala AUtumn Viennese Waltz Ball
Sunday November 5, 2023
Rossmoor Event Center
Walnut Creek, CA
The Gala Viennese Waltz Ball on November 5, 2023 was a resounding success! The 31 piece Saratoga Waltz Orchestra played the Grand March, waltzes by Johann Strauss, Tchaikovsky and others, and much more. When the Waltz Orchestra took a break, the Nob Hill Sounds combo played foxtrots, swing, cha chas, and other ballroom favorites.
Next year’s Ball, our 68th, will be in November 2024. We will post the date and other details here when they become available.
If you would like to get a feel for the Ball, please view the pictures and videos in the PHOTOS section
As is traditional in Vienna, we will be doing the Strauss Fledermaus Quadrille #6. You can learn or review the steps in the following videos:
Strauss Fledermaus Quadrille #6
WU Ball 2008 Wien, Balleröffnung, Quadrille 6. Tour (Fledermaus-Quadrille)
COVID: We expect all attendees to be fully vaccinated, and we will follow any Covid restrictions current at the time.